…One of ICS’ unique distinctions is its ability to bridge the gap between the analytic, design, and implementation phases of program development…
ICS has specific expertise in the following areas:
- Strategic Planning
- ACO strategy, Design, & Implementation
- Clinical Service Line Planning & Development
- Affiliation Strategies: Mergers, Networks, & Joint Ventures
- Ambulatory Services Planning
- Medical Staff Development & Alignment
Our recent experience is highlighted by ICS’ role in the design and ongoing development of a major ACO-based network encompassing a major academic medical center, community hospitals, and several multi-specialty physician groups. This ACO is well underway to become one of the nation’s leading prototypes for similar-type delivery models. The multi-disciplinary background and skills involved in the overall process draw heavily from ICS’ full range of capabilities.STRATEGIC PLANNING
Environmental Scanning- Legislative and public policy trends
- Impacts of new/emergent technologies
- Pricing and payer trends
Market Analysis- Population and demographic trends
- Incidence rates, by DRG/CPT cluster
- Current/prospective market demand levels
- Competitor analysis
Current State Assessment- Market performance
- Service line capabilities
- Quality outcome indicators
- Financial performance
- Medical staff qualifications and leadership
- Facilities and technology
- Patient flow and access factors
- Marketing and image factors
Opportunity Identification- Quantifiable opportunities for program/market development
- Service portfolio analysis
- Modeling to identify relative ROI of alternative program investment opportunities
Formulation- Enterprise vision and direction
- Core goals and strategic initiatives
- Indicators and targets
Action Planning- Action steps
- Resource requirements
- Timetables and milestones
- Accountabilities
Opportunity & Risk Assessment- Market needs and health resource utilization
- Service coverage
- Track record re: clinical and cost performance, financial stability
- IT and other support infrastructure
Vision and Direction- Desired future state; initial level of participation
- Steps, timelines, and team responsibilities for implementation
Integrated Care Process Design- Clinical pathways
- Care transition protocols
- Clinical services patient flow and sites of delivery
- Targets, measures, and reporting systems
- Performance incentives and caregiver alignment
Population Health Improvement- Predictive analytic tools for risk assessment and risk stratification
- Registries in place for patients with chronic conditions, preventative measures
- EHR/PHR access
- Patients prospectively managed by case managers
- Preventive care and disease management
Legal & Management Structures- Legal entity with shared governance
- Compliance with applicable laws and waivers
- Administrative and clinical management structures
- Physician/hospital integration models
Health Information Technology- EHR, Data Management, Personal Health Record development
- Groundwork to participate in Health Information Exchange
Service Line Planning- Market and Competitive Analysis
- Assessment of clinical, operational, and market positioning synergies
- Organizational structure
- Clinical program definition
- Delivery platform development
- Financial modeling
Center of Excellence Development- Vision and direction
- Organizational structure
- Clinical program definition
- Delivery platform development
- Care innovation
Alignment & Integration- Physician-hospital partnerships and joint ventures
- Practice structures
- Financial performance improvement
- Incentive models
Opportunity Assessment- Market structure and competitor characteristics
- Assessment of clinical, operational, and market positioning synergies
- Financial modeling
Business Direction- Vision and direction
- Business definition
- Care integration and innovation
Deal Structure- Negotiations
- Terms
- Merger, JV, and network structure design
Financial Analysis- Transaction analysis
- Financial modeling: impact and feasibility
- Financial planning & budgeting
Implementation- Action plan
- Organizational roles and responsibilities
- Timetable
Market Analysis- Population and demographic trends
- Incidence rates, by DRG/CPT cluster
- Current/prospective market demand levels
- Competitor analysis
Opportunity Identification- Quantifiable opportunities for program/market development
- Service portfolio analysis
- Modeling to identify relative ROI of alternative program investment opportunities
Ambulatory Services Planning- Vision and direction
- Market and Competitive Analysis
- Optimal configuration
- Program definition
- Financial modeling
Medical Staff Planning- Community/institutional needs assessment
- Recruitment plans
Clinical Care Design- Service line strategies
- Care model innovation
- Clinical pathways
- Quality improvement opportunities
- Dashboard development
Alignment & Integration- Alignment models: employment, co-management, joint ventures
- Practice structures
- Financial performance improvement
- Incentive models
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